Anna Pihl - Season 1 Episode 3 The fat lady
Trailer: Anna Pihl
Cast: Charlotte Munck, Peter Mygind, Ola Rapace, Kurt Ravn, Tammi Øst, Ole Lemmeke
Studio: TV 2
Country: Denmark
Runtime: 50:14 Min
Quality: HD
First Air Date: Feb 13, 2006
Last Air Date: Mar 10, 2008
Episode: 30 Episode
Season: 3 Season
New cop at Bellahøj
Anna Pihl begins as a new cop on the station Bellahøj in Copenhagen and not many minutes passes before she becomes involved in a showdown...
A question of honour
After the stabbing of Mikala Anna needs a new colleague. Tthe experienced Kim becomes her new partner. They are called out to an Arab family whose...
The fat lady
Anna and Kim are sent out to an apartment where they find a dead obese woman. Eva is called out to the apartment and agrees to Anna's suspicions...
Dog in the backseat
A dog has run into a bus and Anna manages to get it out again. When she and Kim bring it back to the owner suspicions of animal cruelty arise. Eva...
En voldtægtsmand skræmmer byen med sine brutale overfald, hvilket Martin kommer til at opleve, da han aflytter sin telefonsvarer, hvor...
The decoy
Anna Pihl melder sig som lokkedue, så de kan få fat på voldtægtsmanden, der nu også har dræbt Martins...
Everyone has a secret
Kim anholder Annas bror, Mads, for spirituskørsel, men overlader sagen til Anna, der vælger at give ham kørekortet tilbage uden...
In bed with the enemy
Mads er flyttet ind hos Anna efter ulykken, men han er ikke helt let at have med at gøre. Pludselig opsøges Anna af familien til den...
The fight in the park
Mikala vil ikke have noget med Stavro at gøre efter drabet på en politimeddeler, og det har han forståelse for, men så kan...
The Hunt for Zoran
Anna og Mikala skal lave en fantom-tegning af den mand, som stak Martin ned i Parken, men Mikala er bange for at hendes forbindelse til Stavro vil...