Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? - Season 1 Episode 13 Guitar Hero
Trailer: Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'?
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Ashly Burch, Anthony Burch, David Burch, Ashley Davis
Country: United States of America
Runtime: 3:14 Min
Quality: HD
First Air Date: May 28, 2008
Last Air Date: Jul 22, 2015
Episode: 45 Episode
Season: 5 Season
Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? Season 0
Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? Season 1
Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? Season 2
Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? Season 3
Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? Season 4
Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? Season 5
Ash plays through Treasure’s greatest shooter, as Anthony begins to loathe it.
Based on a true story, and thus significantly less zany than the other episodes.
A teenage girl reenacts the climactic scene from BioShock, to her brother’s chagrin.
Father's Day
A (at the time, and possibly now) late Father’s Day message from Anthony and Ashly.
Professor Layton
Ashly and her brother embark on a Professor Layton and the Curious Village-themed adventure.
Smash Bros.
Ashly Burch is the worst Super Smash Bros Brawl teammate in history.
E3 2008
Anthony is at E3, and Ashly is bored.
The Dark Knight
Ashly is frustrated that a Dark Knight tie-in game has not yet been released.
Ashly uses tactics learned from Jon Blow’s Braid to correct a horrible mistake.
Team Fortress 2
There’s a spy sappin’ Ash’s sentry.
For neither the first nor last time, Anthony has no idea what the hell Ash is doing.
Guitar Hero
Ashly activates star power.
Text Adventures
Ash is in a maze of twisting passages, all alike.
A Brother in Need
For once, Ash decides to be helpful.
Left 4 Dead
Ash and Anthony are going to have to cooperate.
I Love Videogames
Ash lists the things she’s thankful for.
Fan Service, of a Sort
What hath Ash wrought?
The HAWP Before Christmas
Why aren’t there any games about the holidays?
2008 in Review
Ash and Anthony discuss how last year measured up to the year before it.
Animal Crossing
No resetting.
Left 4 Dead (2)
Ash shows off her strategic mind.
Geometry Wars 2
Ash brings two young lovers together.
Of Sexism
A flashback reveals Ash’s machinations.
30 Seconds of Streaming
Never accuse Ash of false advertising.
Yoshi's Cookie
Ash stuffs her face in a spoof on this classic video game.
The New Gamer Dictionary
Like Webster’s, but with more references to Metal Gear.
Street Fighter IV
Ash and Anthony pay homage to the king of all fighting games.
Some songs we need not sing.
Katamari Damacy
Sometimes life isn’t funny.
Trauma Center
Video gamer, heal thyself.
Once Upon a Pixel
Who says fairy tales can’t include walking nuclear tanks?
Like Big Boss
Dear God, we hope this still feels relevant.
Metal Gear Solid 4
The end begins.
The Sons of Big Boss
Can epic music make up for spectacularly bad martial artistry? Your call.