Wave Makers - Season 1 Episode 5
Trailer: Wave Makers
Genre: Drama
Cast: Hsieh Ying-shiuan, Jag Huang, Gingle Wang, Leon Dai Li-Jen, Buffy Chen, Zhan Huai-yun
Studio: Netflix
Country: Taiwan
Runtime: 50:14 Min
Quality: HD
First Air Date: Apr 28, 2023
Last Air Date: Apr 28, 2023
Episode: 8 Episode
Season: 1 Season
Wave Makers Season 1
A heated election is on the horizon. A team of campaign staffers must confront tough choices while navigating a cutthroat political landscape.
Episode 1
After an election loss, Weng Wen-fang settles into her new role in politics. A prominent politician gets embroiled in an animal attack rumor.
Episode 2
A brilliant campaign initiative from Chang Ya-ching brings her unexpected troubles. Chen Chia-ching struggles to balance his family and work.
Episode 3
After a new issue dominates the news cycle, Lin Yue-chen faces some tough questions at a public talk. Tsai Yi-an is torn between his job and idealism.
Episode 4
Ya-ching faces growing pressure over an official complaint lodged against an improper colleague. Jung-chih grows curious about her father's secrets.
Episode 5
Ya-ching confides in Wen-fang about a poignant history. Facing a shocking revelation, Lin Yue-chen has a difficult decision to make.
Episode 6
The breakout of a corruption scandal creates a shockwave in the heated race. Wen-fang finds a new audience through her candid online persona.
Episode 7
As Wen-fang's team races to trace down a suspicious viral post, a reckless Ya-ching scrambles to cover up a damaging secret.
Episode 8
Engulfed in a scandal, Chao Chang-tse works frantically to contain the fallout. Ya-ching, summoning up her courage, decides to take a bold step.