Cheap Cheap Cheap - Season 1 Episode 10
Trailer: Cheap Cheap Cheap
Cast: Noel Edmonds, Alex Lowe, Emily Lloyd-Saini, Gabby Best, Kiell Smith-Bynoe
Studio: Channel 4
Runtime: 45:14 Min
Quality: HD
First Air Date: Aug 14, 2017
Last Air Date: Sep 22, 2017
Episode: 30 Episode
Season: 1 Season
Cheap Cheap Cheap Season 1
Contestants try to win £25,000 in Noel Edmonds' general store, while manager Barry and others ensure there's never a quiet moment in this...
Episode 1
Noel Edmonds hosts a game show set in a shop in which pairs of contestants win an increasing amount of money by correctly picking the cheapest of...
Episode 2
Delivery man Keith gets caught up in traffic, Barry and Noel try out a tandem ride, and a mother and daughter hope their knowledge of mini-rolls will...
Episode 3
Noel Edmonds hosts the game show set in a shop in which pairs of contestants win an increasing amount of money by correctly picking out the least...
Episode 4
Noel Edmonds hosts the shop-set game show in which teams can win an increasing amount of money. Lionelle and her mother hope to pay off her student...
Episode 5
Noel Edmonds hosts the game show set in a shop in which pairs of contestants win an increasing amount of money by correctly picking out the least...
Episode 6
One couple risk going solo, Keith tries out a new delivery vehicle and there is confusion between some nuns and Olly Murs. Comedy game show, hosted...
Episode 7
Noel Edmonds once again leads contestants to a £25,000 jackpot, and while Kelly shows off her gymnastic skills, Keith gets everyone a takeaway.
Episode 8
Brothers Mitz and Dee have spent the night in a tent, host Noel Edmonds has a problem with swans and Bobby Davro gets devious with Barry. Comedy game...
Episode 9
Keith gets stuck in the lift, Kelly has a car crash, Barry shows off his dad dancing and friends Katie and Alexis hope their knowledge of cheese will...
Episode 10
Noel's Store is more gym than shop as Marijana encourages contestants to find their chakra, Margaret's in a lather, and Kelly's car struggles in...
Episode 11
Barry threatens Noel Edmonds with a mallet, Tube drivers get coy over a corset, a couple lose the way over a set of maps, and Anthony and Ashleigh...
Episode 12
Noel Edmonds welcomes more contestants to his store, and there is a musical interlude courtesy of a banjo, some bongos and a man called Bert.
Episode 13
Noel gives shop assistant Kelly a shoulder to cry on, and sisters Lillian and Liz hope they will win the prize money with their knowledge of feather...
Episode 14
Kelly's love life provides the drama, and Barry causes a splash when one couple must choose the cheapest item of swimwear. Game show hosted by Noel...
Episode 15
Noel's Store goes Gallic when Barry has a French promotion in-store. Marijana treats two lucky players to a therapy session and Vicki Michelle makes...
Episode 16
Carrots might help Ian and Nick find their way to winning the £25,000, while odd job man Keith tries his hand at being a cameraman. Comedy game...
Episode 17
Sisters Kelly and Kirsty may have bitten off more than they can chew when they have to choose the cheapest edible insects. Game show, hosted by Noel...
Episode 18
James and Sophia hope their knowledge of rackets will keep them in the competition, and Cheryl Baker pops in to make an exchange.
Episode 19
A spoon becomes a £5,000 conundrum for one couple, Keith hires an apprentice, and Kelly has an idea to help host Noel Edmonds attract a younger...
Episode 20
Noel Edmonds welcomes more contestants who hope to win a £25,000 jackpot. One couple hope their knowledge of picnic hampers will help them...
Episode 21
Marijana takes fashion inspiration from Noel, Barry receives a worrying phone call from environmental health and Keith goes on a busman's holiday....
Episode 22
Barry showcases his fancy dress sale with some unlikely models, Keith's dodgy DIY skills cause chaos, and Noel Edmonds gets a personal trainer.
Episode 23
One couple hope their knowledge of jeans will help them win the prize money, while Marijana reveals a hidden talent.
Episode 24
Another game of 'Which is the Cheapest?' as Noel Edmonds opens the doors to more contestants hoping to win a £25,000 jackpot. Barry's wife...
Episode 25
Kelly has a beauty emergency, Marijana causes heartbreak, and Keith invites Noel on a lads' night out.
Episode 26
Noel Edmonds hosts the game show set in a shop in which pairs of contestants win an increasing amount of money by correctly picking the cheapest of...
Episode 27
Manager Barry goes fishing without leaving the Store, three bunches of flowers could be worth £8,500, and Noel Edmonds meets himself from the...
Episode 28
Noel Edmonds welcomes more bargain hungry contestants to the show. In this episode, Barry tries his hand at doing Noel's job.
Episode 29
Noel Edmonds and manager Barry are run off their feet when the staff go on strike - and somewhere amid the chaos, contestants play for a potential...
Episode 30
Game show host Noel Edmonds makes the most of dress-down Friday, and when Barry is short-staffed, the temp agency send Lionel Blair along to lend a...